Saturday, February 17, 2007

sounds a lot like india today...

"Witnessing the widespread poverty, oppression and disenfranchisement throughout Latin America, and influenced by his readings of Marxist literature, Guevara decided that the only solution for the region’s inequalities was armed revolution. His travels and readings also led him to view Latin America not as a group of separate nations but as a single entity requiring a continent-wide strategy for liberation."

this sounds a lot like india today - many voices shouting - noone listening to each other... maybe we need a revolution.

it will not be a one night thing - this naya revoltion of ours. we are fighting against the greatest apathy of all - the unwillingness to change.

but have faith. believe in the light within you.

maybe one day you shall see the world you're destined for...


you've seen him. that guy with long hair, wearing a beret with a star on it. that's che. he's become the icon of the 20th century... and now you see him on t-shirts. the worst part is that most people don't have the slightest clue who he was. so check this out >>>

the vital point is that he understood the basic reality of things - the system doesn't work - if you need to change something you have to take control.

the entire system of evolution depends on change - you need to change in order to evolve...